Do you know Rest API? Certainly, yes. How about in Python? Follow this example to build two endpoints with Python and Flask.
First, we are going to install Flask:
pip3 install Flask
Now, create a file, for example,
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
In the example above, we’re importing Flask and getting a reference to it. Now, add to the code:
@app.route('/info', methods = ['GET'])
def info():
return 'This a simple endpoint to test and provides information about things.'
@app.route('/insert', methods = ['POST'])
def insert():
return 'This a simple endpoint to test insert data.'
In the code above, @app is a decorator to create routes. The first argument is an URI. The second argument informs the HTTP Method. Finally, to execute:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Running the code is:
and that’s all folks!
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